Course Overview
We look at techniques used in Video Game development for creating Normal
and Displacement maps in Zbrush and applying them to a lower resolution
model in Maya. Zbrush sculpting, creating Normal and Displacement maps.
Applying Zbrush output back into Maya model.
Student Outcomes
Students will learn Video Game industry techniques of May – Zbrush workflow. How is Zbrush used in Games.
Modeling in Maya for Zbrush, key steps in preparing your model for painting in Zbrush
Exporting a model from Maya and Importing it into Zbrush
Zbrush sculpting
Creating Normal and Displacement maps in Zbrush
Applying Normal and Displacement maps to a lower resolution model in Maya
Students will be able to dive further down into Zbrush painting and sculpting should they so choose.
Some Maya and Zbrush experience is necessary. All sessions include
hands-on practice on Windows computers. This course is suited for
advanced 3D art students and professionals. Some experience with Windows
computers required.