The Force

May 27th 2016 (transcription of a recording I made in May)

Yesterday I was watching a video on youtube and the video was about the Force, is the Force real.
The guy looked at various forces in nature like electromagnetism, and gravity, and trying to find similarities with the Force as George had conceived it.

The reason I am looking at this video is because this guy is wrong. He missed the mark on what the force is.

So what is the Force? Well, look around you. Look at the floor you stand on, is it wood, is it concrete? Is it some sort of hardwood floor that has been laminated,.. ceramic tiles? What are you sitting on? Is it a chair, or a couch? What surrounds you.. walls?

How did this come about? Did these walls just conjure themselves? Not really, somebody built them. But before somebody built them – someone thought them up, right? They didn’t just say, hey, let’s just put a wall here, put a wall there. First somebody had an idea.. that we need some sort of separation from the elements. You can easily.. very very easily see these, the very seeds, the germination of that idea .. where a guy does primitive technology on youtube. Here you can see the very very beginnings of the desire to be separated from the elements. The guys just builds stuff out of twigs and mud. His channel is basically an expression of the Force.

The very nascent expression of the Force.

Somebody had a desire to be separated from the elements… and all very well could have been done with that right, they successfully separated themselves from the elements and they said .. well. How is it we make it better, better insulated, we make it work through all seasons, we make it indestructible. So somebody sat down the thought about it.

They basically conjured, they had ideas. They had ideas in their heads and they were contemplating reality.. and said, well we understand this reality and all the variables, we can try to do this and that. And if you follow this train of thought all the way to modern times look at everything around you – it is artificial. And not only it is artificial, it is very very complicated and usually a result of very very complex process.

Like the glass panes on you window have undergone tremendous transformation, it was just minerals in ores, and somebody conjured the technology .. somebody thought about how to make a transparent pane out of these minerals. And somebody worked on that to fix it, maybe over centuries.. they had this drive to perfect a thing… A glass pane doesn’t have to be perfect, it could have a smudge here and there and imperfections.. however we strive to remove these imperfections to make the glass panes more beautiful, more transparent, maybe decorated.

So what is behind all this – the Force – yeah? This is the force where you conjure new stuff out of thin air. Isn’t that incredible?. You can basically get up in the morning and probably build a chair in a day.. Right – just kind of find some wood in the attic and get some nails together, get a little hand saw, and just cut up some pieces and put together a chair by the end of the day, or a table. Ain’t it the Force?

You conjure something out of nothing.. well – it’s not instantaneous but you know in the grand schemes of things it is nothing it’s like a second, a rotation of Earth. This is the Force.

And The Force is all around us – anyone can do it. The blind could conjure thoughts and can write books and inspire millions. You do not need sight to be seen. take Helen Keller for example. She could move millions. you can move millions with your words. Isn’t that the force?

Let’s take.. martin luther king for example, we are not bound by kinship, we are not bound by any other bonds. However, i can hear and read his words and can be inspired and his words can move me, reaching across from back in the 60s out into today in the 21 st century, when i am sitting and I am having my morning coffee. This person could inspire me to have dreams. To dream up stuff. hey, this person with their words with the simple expression of opening their mouth with an intent, could inspire millions of people across the centuries.

You can say, hey, i have a dream. It really is an odd dream but hey I have a dream and you should dream too.

Words are also the force. It doesn’t have to be a physical, it doesn’t have to have any physical manifestation. Although it does have, you have to voice your stuff.. but.

So the Force is all around us – so, who is the jedi then? Why would you need a jedi? When the Force is all around us? Sure, the creator is the jedi. if you are not a creator, if you are just a consumer you are just another cow chained to a couch instead of to a .. a little feeding stall. When you are a creator, you are in charge of the force. And you are the jedi. And the more influence you have on the world as a creator – the jedier you are. This is the Force and this is how it works.