Tag: Jar Jar Binks

This shopping bag holder looks like Jar-Jar Binks and 19th Century Firefighters Were Darth Vader and C3PO

I continue to love Jar Jar and the Phantom Menace and would fight to the death George’s critics on this. Do you remember what computers looked like in 1999 ( actually more like 1997-8 ) ? That’s when George did the Menace. At the time he was running Lucasfilm ( hey it is a big business ), he was inventing computer graphics, visual FX and visual FX software, the hardware that will run it, CG characters and sets no one has ever attempted before.. and making a movie. Give him a break.

shopping bag looks like Jar Jar Binks

19th Century Firefighters Were Darth Vader and C3PO Before Darth Vader and C3PO Were Cool
