Steve Jobs – The Lost Interview

The the most important person of the end of 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. I have been a solid Windows person up until the moment I saw our lead engineer at Lucas use a botcamped mac. I bought an intel based mac and gradually moved onto the mac side. Once i moved into the mac side – I realized it is like playing the piano as supposed to chopping wood.

Mac allows very smooth and fast workflows – if you make a living on a computer – this is the way to go to minimize the time you spend on managing your OS. And not just that – many innovative ways to approach visual interface and put machines in service of people and increase productivity.

And this is what the person who made all this possible has to say on variety of topics. He was a brilliant guy who was the epitome of what Silicon Valley was about. Or is.
it is also available on Netflix.


“..there are certain things you can’t make electrons do..”
