Star Wars From Puppets To Pixels: Digital Characters In Episode II Documentary – and one more reason not to ever give up on what you love

My original vision for star wars was to have a lot of epic scale to it .. and at the same time have space ships and have creatures.. and all kind of fantastic things going on in it..


..Imagine a grown adult says this, and then probably repeats it in a boardroom because at some point George certainly did say this to a money guy, everyone laughs and then he goes on to make this vision and more and makes four billion dollars at the end.


There are probably homes in the suburbs where parents still tell their kids to stop dreaming.. but at the end of the day if you didn’t get enough of dreaming as a kid – you should know it is a great way to do adulting too.




and of course a little tiny subversive essay by Paul Graham.. on performing certain tests to try and see what is it that you love :