Pre-Christmas note on Steve etc

What really is the overarching theme in my respects to Steve is that I don’t really know him as a person and never got a chance to interact with him personally. What I know about him in a more personal space is what I have heard from colleagues leaving Lucas and going on to work for Apple. But i do know that what he created is exceptional in many respects.


My note is more about the reality that we are carbon based beings crawling on top of a lonely rock. And we need individuals like Steve and Elon to help us overcome our limitations. We have powerful consciousness that allows us to influence our environment. We need to realize that we need to develop our capacity to think in terms of our being species capable of one day becoming a multi-planetary species.


In Steve’s interview there’s a segment where he is talking about individuals who are capable of working together to lift and improve the lives of many people. So basically the capable and the willing get together and produce in order to move forward the human race as a whole.


When I have time I’ll put together the most important segments of this interview as these are the profound realizations of a person with tangible proof he was a capable person.
There’s Plato, there’s Aristotle and there’s Steve.



One significant point he makes in the interview in my previous post is that he recognized the significance of Graphical User Interface early on, on his trip to Xerox. But Xerox really died and the technology lost traction at Xerox so if Steve didn’t steal it and improve on it – it would have been lost. So there’s the argument for stealing to some degree – we cannot overregulate neither molecules nor ideas. It is not necessary and it is harmful. Imagine if Xerox had sued Steve for half his empire. So here is the argument against over regulating our society as the way we deal with ideas and innovation. Imagine if the estates of all living artists in Paris had to sue Picasso for infringement.




here’s the “tumbling Rocks” story as told by Steve:

