Hands Tesseract sketches – aka Hands Landscapes
Hands Tesseract aka Hands Room
Hands Tesseract
aka Hands Room
10 x 10 x 15 feet, 3d painting and installation, 2019
room size installation, a part of the Giant Hands series of installations
Hands Tesseract
Lessons from Minecraft and why these simple cubes prosper
Stay tuned for my assay on the success of Minecraft. It is not what you think.
Happy Pride
Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains
We can, though, try to get out using our intelligence. I am not saying our minds because every animal has a mind, and every animal uses their mind to go after food and reproduction. We can use our intelligence to grow faculties that will help us overcome our DNA limitations. Imagine that everywhere we go we put up fences – we get home and our first reaction is to lock up, we build a house and put a fence, we build a nation and put up a wall, ironically not to keep beasts out.
We build nice cities like New York, we build nice avenues with beautiful shops alongside to keep crystalline structures like diamonds and gold safe from the elements while homeless people look in from the gutters.
We tell grown adults how to conduct their love lives, we are ashamed of merely showing penises and vaginas on public television while it is hard to turn on any device without running into a celebration of violence, real and imaginary.
We sit around stuffing ourselves for hours on end with food and drink when a fifth will do, we slaughter animals indiscriminately but adore pet stores and strut ourselves with creatures on leashes. We enjoy ice cream cones in front of animals in cages.
We can do better here, much better.. this is why we print books so we don’t forget that people already thought of all this in the past. Now that the vast majority is in the public domain – it is easier than ever to think – http://www.gutenberg.org/files/46333/46333-h/46333-h.htm
Someone remade Star Wars: Podracer… in Unreal Engine 4 (Free Download) – isn’t this freaking Awesome !
this is the most awesome and greatest thing I have seen since bottled water. BTw never buy bottled water, just refill your water bottle at the fountain, ok?
You can download the project and the exe and it works ( the download link is on the youtube channel ). Just played it with my student and it was a blast.
Scratch the podracer I am going to Mars
My boarding pass to Mars 2020 from NASA – get yours here: