Immortel (ad vitam) 2004 – Full Movie

Immortel (ad vitam) 2004 – Full Movie
with me a movie reveals itself as watchable in the first 5 seconds. It doesn’t mean anything other than a personal preference – you either stay with a visual or you don’t. There are big budget productions that leave me cold, this one is my peoples movie – weird and vulnerable. Watch it while you can.

I recently realized that perfection doesn’t mean anything in art. What means something is creating memorable experience, whether it is a painting or a movie that simply moves people, they stay in awe and for a moment they forget their own reality and enter the reality of the artist – say a Picasso or a Van Gogh or pick one – Lucas, Stanley Kubrick.. little bit of David Lynch. Like when Arthur c Clarke takes you places, you get to skip a billion light years in the span of a page, or within the blink of a movie. You enter the hyperspace of imagination, which is the space you, and the author of the experience inhabit together. This is the ultimate sharing – when we get to share intellectually and emotionally and enjoy in the little quirks of humanity.