“I Saw Earth And Moon In A Single Glance” An interview with Apollo 15 Astronaut Al Worden, on the 45th anniversary of his epic voyage to the Moon.


Avi: What made the Apollo program a success?
Al: Back in the late sixties and early seventies there was no bureaucracy at NASA. We had a goal of getting to and back from the Moon and everybody worked to it. Everybody was focused on the goal and nobody was trying to protect their job — they were all trying hard to get the job done even beyond the highest standards, no matter how “small” their role in the program. Most of the people working in the Apollo program were young, with a average age of 28, and that helped a lot in overcoming all sorts of engineering challenges, because they did not “know” that something was impossible.

Videos from the article:

– About von Braun and his rockets. I feel ambivalent about this..

– Management Lessons of the Moon Program (Andrew Chaikin)

– Apollo 15 Crew Departure Preparations

Saturn V:
Saturn V