Swiss researches said there are 21,647 characters in the Star Wars Universe Spanning over 36 000 years of history. But the reason I liked Star Wars and loved working on it is because it is breathtakingly beautiful. I would go into the Paris and Pandora databases at ILM to look at concept art for fantastical worlds.. for hours on end. A lot of concept pieces never made it to film but the quality of the art George always demanded was world class.

The desire for the beautiful is encoded in our DNA, we seek it and we want it. We try to untangle its secrets and repeat its effects. We like how it makes us feel. Otherwise we wouldn’t have beautiful glass panes on our windows so we can see the world outside, we would still be on wooden sticks and huts. But something pushes us to better our surroundings, to create things more beautiful and perfect. That’s what movies give us – a never ending perfection that we can gratify ourselves with over and over. It’s a manufactured bliss.