George Lucas: To feel the true force of ‘Star Wars,’ he had to learn to let it go

As with everything – read between the lines of this article – it is in the”lifestyle” section after all. But the truth is here is George who made billions of dollars empire… that enthralls half of the planet including myself. It started with a one page treatment – grew into a full-scale space opera, which grew into a fledging company that started a whole new world of computer graphics, which snowballed into what we have today where everything is in one way or another “touched” by CG. Although a lot of quality filmmakers no longer employ computer graphics and digital visual effects – computer generated imagery has changed us forever. The rooms we walk into have probably been first designed on a computer, the cups we drink from are probably a result from a digital design process, the screens and paper we look at are transformed most likely digitally. George was a pioneer in all of this and a lot of what is in star Wars was a “first ever”. When I occasionally read on forums .. complaints about Star Wars or George.. I am like – really, i am sorry what is the issue here? lots of people don’t get Picasso either and a lot of my painter friends think Van Gogh was a lousy painter. yet – I go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and into one of my favorite rooms and i see adults of all shapes and sizes pondering the paintings of Van Gogh, reveling in the simple flowers – it is one of the most crowded rooms and it is never empty.