“Star Wars deals with the essential problem: Is the machine going to control humanity, or is the machine going to serve humanity? Darth Vader is a man taken over by a machine, he becomes a machine, and the state itself is a machine. There is no humanity in the state. What runs the world is economics and politics, and they have nothing to do with the spiritual life.
“So we are left with this void. It’s the job of the artists to create the new myths. Myths come from the artists.”
Joseph Campbell, interviewed by Chris Goodrich, Publisher’s Weekly (1985)
Speaking about the machines – a conversation about the machines in the Matrix Reloaded. It is not really about moving parts… it is about power and control. We truly are godlike thanks to the power machines give us – we stomp the land for resources and run around in space. It is truly sad also that we often unleash machines on each other, as if we have run out of beasts to conquer.. but this is another, and long, conversation.