Category: Space

Website catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy

“…catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy.”




“We love space probes to the Moon and beyond! catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy. For each space probe, we’ve affectionately crafted a short-and-sweet summary as well as handpicked geeky hyperlinks we think are worth exploring. Where possible, we utilize data from the Deep Space Network.”


. catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy.

Jimmy Carter’s note placed on the Voyager spacecraft from 1977 and the relevant discussion from Reddit. It is pure gold

Plus.. isn’t it nice when a President writes really dorky stuff?..



the golden record:

Greetings in 55 languages and, also, Whale greetings.

On second thought, not sure what they were thinking exactly with the Whale greetings, somewhere in there something sounds like someone is choking on a peanut. How are we sure it is not Dolphins or Mice running Earth?





[–]TrunkTalk [score hidden]

“There are three times in a mans life where it is both acceptable and expected to cry: the birth of his child, the death of a loved one, and any time he thinks about voyager.”

-Soren Bowie


[–]My-Work-Reddit [score hidden]

I don’t get it. Please explain.


[–]thedrew [score hidden]

The Voyager spacecraft is a message in a bottle from the entire planet. The intent of the quote is that the power of potential should be overwhelming to even the most macho man.

A newborn child is full of potential for greatness or destruction, it is impossible to say.

The death of a loved one means the end of someone’s potential. There is no next hug, or future conversation anymore.

The most likely outcome is that Voyager will continue to fly away from us until long after we all cease to be, even after our planet and our sun are dead, it will still be chugging along slowly offering an olive branch to a people that probably never existed.

But there is the potential that Voyager is our first contact and that it is a message of peace. Even in our trying times of Mutually Assured Destruction, we were able to put together a little note of our entire history, knowledge, and experience. We looked at ourselves with outside eyes and we asked ourselves what makes us us? Then we shot it to outer space with one of our strongest rockets then available.

The best hope of Voyager ever being found is that of future space-faring humans. What will they think of their ancestors when they see it? Will they remember it from their education, or will it be an artifact of a forgotten civilization?

The profundity of its smallness and slowness, being yet one of our most sophisticated pieces of technology, and bringing a message of optimism that will almost certainly never be heard is pretty damned charming.



[–]stretchxray [score hidden]


What if these same words in an alien language translated to a declaration of war? They’ll probably read it as: “Hey stupid aliens…we’re 200 billion strong and we’re comin’ to getcha! Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!!!! I dare you to attack the President of the United States of America and the White House on June 16 with 1977 of your most powerful spacecraft! ”



[–]RBNEXUS 1236 points

Also on the spacecraft is this gold plated record cover designed by Carl Sagan and his team. They were hoping to create a message that would be universally understandable.


[–]TreasurerAlex [score hidden]

They did a kickstarter last year to release it on vinyl for the first time. It had been a difficult process because so many of the recordings were owned by different people. I’m not sure if they got everything on there, but they tried.

“We have already cleared the copyright on all the music that is possible to clear. We have worked with a respected rights clearance firm, The Rights Workshop, throughout this process to ensure that we are respecting the copyrights of others.”


[–]Scolopendra_Heros [score hidden]

Lmao aliens are going to find it, try to disseminate it to their population, and when they make contact with us they’ll all be receiving court summons for copyright infringement.

We will destroy their entire civilization via copyright trolling.


[–]ch00f [score hidden]

We’ll fire a concentrated beam of lawyers at their mothership.


 [–]R009k [score hidden]



[–]perving_sterving [score hidden]

“We cast this message into the cosmos. It is likely to survive a billion years into our future, when our civilization is profoundly altered and the surface of the Earth may be vastly changed.”

Something about this gives me chills every time.



yep me too


but you will need to read the rest of the reddit comments by yourself – they are brilliant, especially imagining our current President welcoming aliens to Earth. We are gonna build a Dyson Wall:

Happy Holidays from Mars – Curiosity Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code

This image shows a close-up of track marks left by NASA’s Curiosity rover. Holes in the rover’s wheels, seen here in this view, leave imprints in the tracks that can be used to help the rover drive more accurately. The imprint is in fact Morse code for JPL, which is short for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., where the rover was built and the mission is managed.

Curiosity’s “visual odometry” software measures terrain features — such as rocks, rock shadows and patterns in the rover tracks — to determine the precise distance between drive steps. Knowing how far it has traveled is important for measuring any wheel slippage that may have occurred, for instance due to high slopes or sandy ground. Fine-grained terrains generally lack interesting features, so Curiosity can make its own features using its wheel tracks.

The Morse code, imprinted on all six wheels, is: .— (J), .–. (P), and .-.. (L).




track marks left by NASA's Curiosity rover.






thanks reddit


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Late 2016 Map of NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Mission

This thing almost killed Mark Watney!” youtube comment


Full Duration MARDI Video of final Descent


in other news

Amazon wins patent for a flying warehouse that will deploy drones to deliver parcels in minutes



in other words we haven’t yet filled our houses with everything we can carry we want air drops.




speaking of shopping and Mars – here’s something:



and Starships of the mind too.

…Love spaceships and still spend a lot of time thinking of ships, 3d modeling them, very partial about the Mars rovers. Still think Rama would be a great movie and one of the adventures that kept me on the edge of my seat every time I re-read the books. The creative space starships occupy is a strange one, lots of creative people have taken on spaceships themes, like Asimov, George, Kubrick, Clarke, on the other hand also out there real scientists who build nasa rovers.

It seems it is It is bizarre I spent most of my life being terrified of flying. Actually there was a space of about three years when i could not get on a plane and a wing tip would throw me into a tailspin but we don’t wanna talk about this do we.


The Heart of Gold is still my favorite.
There was a strange tree in a hard science fiction novel where the tree had to be stoked with fires to fly through a universe very dense and with strange gravity. The novel was called Raft. Once i made a pen and ink drawing about it i think.




Rama dominating my imagination for the longest time. Also the Raman Node from the later Rama books, the later books were filled with incredible ships of various sizes and purpose taking deep voyages and carrying many species to unknown destinations. It blows my mind until this day when i need to be shopping.



The moment where Rama meets the Node and many exciting things happen and we meet Raman intelligence. It too blows my mind.

“..The Rama spacecraft rendezvous with another Node, an enormous tetrahedron near the star Tau Ceti, designed to research any intelligent life capable of spaceflight. ..”

With Star Destroyers coming close second for intimidation factor and making us prickly with anticipation when entering the big screen and gliding over our heads.


Star Destroyers  size comparison
Super Star Destroyer Executor complete scene. It is as badass as they come.


Starships Size comparison


Rama from Rendezvous with Rama would have been a good addition ( 50-kilometre /31 mile cylindrical alien starship ). Also one of my favorite ships ever. Wish Ridley would have undertaken Rendezvous with Rama and the Rama franchise.

Chart of all the spaceships to scale

Chart of all the spaceships to scale




Star Wars Spaceship Sounds


A Bit More from Jodorowsky’s Dune Starships


Jodorowsky's Dune Ship Concept art



Jodorowsky's Dune Ship Concept art



Jodorowsky's Dune Spacecraft Concept Art




Okay – more Star Wars:

Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: The Original Trilogy ILM Special Effects Makers.

and the goodies with the man.

Appolo 12

Often think how capable we are, not just of beautiful things but of practicly creating miracles out of nothing – dirt, sand and rock. Often like to imagine what Earth would be like if hatred and greed do not exist, if humanity in all our glory makes concerted effort to create and advance for the benefit of all. Seeing greed take over our government makes me sad because it is so petty and desire for money is such a small pursuit, really not worthy of a lifetime.

I am pretty sure the day would come when the future us would look at today us with sadness and pity and wonder how is it that we lived in darkness and trivial pursuits. I am sure one day people would be free enough in their heads to think and create wonders without being weighted down by wars and bad intentions. I imagine a television of the future showing great advancements, great dreams being turned into realities, where the celebrities and rulers of the future would be first and foremost thinkers and doers rather than politicians and bankers.
.. this is my dream and I have had it since i ever remember. If I could get frozen and wake up to that future that would be great. The other possibility is to get shot into space at the speed of light and come back after a few hops, in the future.
