Greetings in 55 languages and, also, Whale greetings.
On second thought, not sure what they were thinking exactly with the Whale greetings, somewhere in there something sounds like someone is choking on a peanut. How are we sure it is not Dolphins or Mice running Earth?
This image shows a close-up of track marks left by NASA’s Curiosity rover. Holes in the rover’s wheels, seen here in this view, leave imprints in the tracks that can be used to help the rover drive more accurately. The imprint is in fact Morse code for JPL, which is short for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., where the rover was built and the mission is managed.
Curiosity’s “visual odometry” software measures terrain features — such as rocks, rock shadows and patterns in the rover tracks — to determine the precise distance between drive steps. Knowing how far it has traveled is important for measuring any wheel slippage that may have occurred, for instance due to high slopes or sandy ground. Fine-grained terrains generally lack interesting features, so Curiosity can make its own features using its wheel tracks.
The Morse code, imprinted on all six wheels, is: .— (J), .–. (P), and .-.. (L).
What really is the overarching theme in my respects to Steve is that I don’t really know him as a person and never got a chance to interact with him personally. What I know about him in a more personal space is what I have heard from colleagues leaving Lucas and going on to work for Apple. But i do know that what he created is exceptional in many respects.
My note is more about the reality that we are carbon based beings crawling on top of a lonely rock. And we need individuals like Steve and Elon to help us overcome our limitations. We have powerful consciousness that allows us to influence our environment. We need to realize that we need to develop our capacity to think in terms of our being species capable of one day becoming a multi-planetary species.
In Steve’s interview there’s a segment where he is talking about individuals who are capable of working together to lift and improve the lives of many people. So basically the capable and the willing get together and produce in order to move forward the human race as a whole.
When I have time I’ll put together the most important segments of this interview as these are the profound realizations of a person with tangible proof he was a capable person.
There’s Plato, there’s Aristotle and there’s Steve.
One significant point he makes in the interview in my previous post is that he recognized the significance of Graphical User Interface early on, on his trip to Xerox. But Xerox really died and the technology lost traction at Xerox so if Steve didn’t steal it and improve on it – it would have been lost. So there’s the argument for stealing to some degree – we cannot overregulate neither molecules nor ideas. It is not necessary and it is harmful. Imagine if Xerox had sued Steve for half his empire. So here is the argument against over regulating our society as the way we deal with ideas and innovation. Imagine if the estates of all living artists in Paris had to sue Picasso for infringement.
here’s the “tumbling Rocks” story as told by Steve:
The the most important person of the end of 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. I have been a solid Windows person up until the moment I saw our lead engineer at Lucas use a botcamped mac. I bought an intel based mac and gradually moved onto the mac side. Once i moved into the mac side – I realized it is like playing the piano as supposed to chopping wood.
Mac allows very smooth and fast workflows – if you make a living on a computer – this is the way to go to minimize the time you spend on managing your OS. And not just that – many innovative ways to approach visual interface and put machines in service of people and increase productivity.
And this is what the person who made all this possible has to say on variety of topics. He was a brilliant guy who was the epitome of what Silicon Valley was about. Or is.
it is also available on Netflix.
“..there are certain things you can’t make electrons do..”
To be honest I still marvel at the world, the moving images, the technology, the gadgets and all the cosmos that is on the palms of our hands. Many people in New York dislike Times Square – I love it.. not always like it but love the energy there, the intensity of the collective experience of being packed in the greatest city in the world. And my greatest dream is to glimpse 100 years into the future.. or a future when humanity will be much wiser and smarter in using resources for the benefit of all and for becoming true space faring species. I truly don’t care about anything else at all and look at the world through the eyes of this man… I am astonished every day by the amount of miracles and advances all around us, I never get jaded or accustomed to the view of humanity scrolling through all of history and all of the human experience on little flat glowing things tapped by our fingers. It is really amazing and I can’t wait for the future.
Often think how capable we are, not just of beautiful things but of practicly creating miracles out of nothing – dirt, sand and rock. Often like to imagine what Earth would be like if hatred and greed do not exist, if humanity in all our glory makes concerted effort to create and advance for the benefit of all. Seeing greed take over our government makes me sad because it is so petty and desire for money is such a small pursuit, really not worthy of a lifetime.
I am pretty sure the day would come when the future us would look at today us with sadness and pity and wonder how is it that we lived in darkness and trivial pursuits. I am sure one day people would be free enough in their heads to think and create wonders without being weighted down by wars and bad intentions. I imagine a television of the future showing great advancements, great dreams being turned into realities, where the celebrities and rulers of the future would be first and foremost thinkers and doers rather than politicians and bankers.
.. this is my dream and I have had it since i ever remember. If I could get frozen and wake up to that future that would be great. The other possibility is to get shot into space at the speed of light and come back after a few hops, in the future.
[–]My-Work-Reddit [score hidden]
[–]thedrew [score hidden]